This menu is not available now because any message is displayed. Mail menu Use this menu to reply to, forward, bounce, send, delete and undelete messages and to update your mail file. Displays a multipage window with shortcuts information. Displays a multipage window with help information. Quits IM/Mac. If you have not saved changes you made to any open documents, you will be asked whether you want to save changes. Prints the contents of the active document. Not available now because the contents of the document cannot be printed. Prints the contents of the active document. You can specify printing options (such as the number of copies you want) in the dialog box that appears. Displays a dialog box that allows you to set page size, orientation and other printing options. Displays a dialog box that allows you to decode a BinHex coded message. Not available now because there is any BinHex coded text in the document. Displays a dialog box that allows you to decode a BinHex coded message. Returns the active document to the way it was the last time you saved it. Any changes made since then are lost. Not available now because any copy was saved yet. Returns the active document to the way it was the last time you saved it. Any changes made since then are lost. Displays a dialog box that allows you to append to an existing document. Not available now because there is any text in the document that can be appended. Displays a dialog box that allows you to append to an existing document. Displays a dialog box that allows you to save the selection with a new name. Not available now because there is any selection made. Displays a dialog box that allows you to save the selection with a new name. Displays a dialog box that allows you to save the document in a new location or with a new name. Not available now because there is any text in the document that can be saved. Displays a dialog box that allows you to save the document in a new location or with a new name. Saves the text of the active document with the current name, or the default name 'mbox'. Not available now because there is any text in the document that can be saved. Saves the text of the active document with the current name, or the default name 'mbox'. Displays a dialog box for you to choose a text file to send. Closes the active document. Not available now because the document cannot be closed. Closes the active document. Displays the selected message. Not available now because any message is selected. Displays the selected message. Opens a dialog box for you to choose another mail file. Creates a new document called 'Untitled' in which you can enter your message. Not available now because a message entry window is already open. Creates a new document called 'Untitled' in which you can enter your message. This menu is not available because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. File menu Use this menu to create, open, save, print and close messages, to open another mail file and to quit IM/Mac. Displays the contents of the Clipboard. Removes all text in the document without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because the document lacks text that can be removed. Removes all text in the document without storing it on the Clipboard. Selects all text in the document. Not available now because the document lacks text that can be selected. Selects all text in the document. Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected. Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available because there is no text on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Copies the selected text. The original selection remains where it is. Not available now because nothing is selected. Copies the selected text. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Undoes your last editing action. Not available because that action cannot be undone (or because you haven't made any changes yet). Undoes your last editing action. You can use this command to replace text you have cut or cleared or to remove text you have pasted or typed. This menu is not available because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Edit menu Use this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text, to select an entire text block and to show the Clipboard. Displays a dialog box with a picture of the author. Displays a dialog box with the memory configuration of IM/Mac. Displays a dialog box with some background information about IM/Mac, its version number and creation date. It also shows the name of the author and copyright information.